Areas of Practice

Environmental Law

Sustained Use of Brazilian Biodiversity (forest products, lumber, genetic assets)

We are engaged in the mapping and legal representation of business activities involving the multiple use of Brazilian biodiversity and the legal aspects that apply to the different interaction with the country’s legal framework, particularly the Biodiversity Law and other instruments of valuing forest assets. Our engagement includes legal support to Access to genetic resources and the Associated  Traditional Knowledge (P&D); application of the associated traditional knowledge to the development of new products or to products already commercialized, submission and/or remittance of biodiversity samples abroad, drafting and negotiation of shared benefits agreements, mandatory registration in the SisGen system and contingencies commitments under the Biodiversity Law.

We also represent suppliers of in natura products (e.g. vegetal raw materials for pharmaceutical, nutritional and phyto-therapy use, among others) at the domestic and international levels (export, remittance or submission) and sustained handling of lumber, to both enable the supplying of the forest raw material and monetize the environmental assets and services such as carbon, water stockpiles and biodiversity assets.